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The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represents the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching. This series serves as both a minister’s friend and a student’s Guide. The New American Commentary assumes the inerrancy of Scripture, focuses on the intrinsic...

Psalm 121 is a song of trust, similar to Psalms 23; 46; and 91, distinguished by their theme of confidence in Yahweh. The psalmist’s question and answer in vv. 1–2 may hint at its original setting in a longer lament, but in its present form it is an independent song of trust.348 This psalm features two voices in vv. 1–2 and vv. 3–8. The first voice uses first-person pronouns as the psalmist speaks. The second voice uses second-person pronouns as it confirms
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